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Wow Patch 9.1.5: The official German patch notes for feel-good

The word quest (feminine; German search, search mission , English quest, engraved plural quests , from the old French la quest, from the Latin quaestio research, question or quaerere questions, search ) designates originally in the ARTUSPIK The heroic journey or omoties of a knight or hero, in the course of which he triggers various tasks, adventure consists, enemies defeated, objects finds, difficulties overcoming and thus harvesting fame and experience or achieved his desired goal (for example, the sacred Grail). Sense of the quest is generally the fulfillment of honorable duties, but also the internal maturation and cleaning of a hero.

Since last night we know that WOW patch 9.1.5 will appear in our region on 03 November 2021 . Although we can not expect too many long-term content from the intermediate patch, there s all the more adjustments and facilitations in the small one. Below we have the official German patch notes for you.

WOW: The official German patch Notes for 9.1.5

  1. 1Wow Patch 9.1.5: Official German Patch Notes
  2. 1st of the 1st of
  3. 1.2Werite peoples
  4. 1.3 graphics
  5. 1.4 classes
  6. 1.5pacts
  7. 1.6deons and slaughter trains
  8. 1.7insel expeditions and war fronts
  9. 1.8 items and rewards
  10. 1.9korthia and the Schlund
  11. 1.10PETTEMENTS
  12. 1.111PVP
  13. 1.12 professions
  14. 1.13Quests
  15. 1.14Runenbahn
  16. 1,15 threads of fate
  17. 1.16torghast, tower of the damn
  18. 1.17 user interface and accessibility
  19. 1.18Wow Companion App

WOW patch 9.1.5: Official German patch Notes


The following changes were made to mecha success : Record: Triumph of Gnomeregan \ - Now a guaranteed prey on the event recovery tower on the difficulty level difficult. Record: Battle of Gnomeregan \ - The buoyant rate has been increased for all hologram bosses. Bauplan: Holographic digitalization relay \ - The buoyant rate has been increased for all hologram bosses. Bauplan: emergency missile chicken \ - OOX-Flinkfuß / mg returns faster and does not disappear if it was not killed at the end of the path. OOX-Flinkfuß / MG now has a vignette star that displays you on the mini card when he runs ahead if you are entitled for prey from the OOX-Rächer / MG. Color PHIoles: Lemonade Steel \ - The frequency of the exothermic evaporator coil has been increased. The duration of rain was reduced, but oxidized lye occurs much more often during rain (700% faster). The Oxidized Egelbestie can now occur significantly more often during rain. Played Enough and Battle Hardened \ - Both quests are now available for toys of destruction (previously one randomly chosen). Available in Eight Colors \ - This success is now far account and granted to all characters on the account all color variants of Mechanokatze X-995th


New character adjustments for high streets, light-forged Draenei, nightborn and empty elves. Light-forged Draeney Paladine now have their own class render: the lawyer Ruinprescher. The dungeon quests for the activation of KUN Tiranern, mechnomenon and dark arrows are no longer required. If you accepted the Dungeonquest, you can talk to the NSC again to skip the quest. An error with the mouths of some facial options for male night-born has been fixed.


Weather effects have been added in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.


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Players reaching for their pact. Gluing 80 can easily change between the four pacts without cooldown or other restrictions. In addition, cosmetic rewards of a pact at which glory 80 has been reached regardless of whether the character is currently belonging to this pact of the change between pacts and the use of cosmetic rewards also applies to minor characters as soon as a character has reached the glory threshold. Example: A player with a nightfaedruid on glory 80 can use appropriate cosmetic rewards of the NachFae on a rogue, even if the rogue belongs to the Nekrolord. Medieval energy has been removed - media can be freely exchanged without restriction. Reaching Travel Level 80 no longer requires the completion of the pact campaign of Shadowlands . If your third strap is unlocked for any character, minor characters can start a quest in the same pact, which immediately unlocks your second and third soulband. There are new packaging to discover. Nachtfae There are new soul shapes to collect. New small animal shapes - because they are so tiny, they can only be used in rest areas. You have the opportunity to change your shape in random of your collected soul and small animal shapes. sanctified ADVENTURE Schlundmissions, which have been activated on the adventurous high level, appear more frequently and have fewer requirements. Animaliter Reinforcements are now remaining after daily reset and function as a strengthening effect in all non-instanced zones in Shadowlands . Players who have built and upgraded the animal ladder of their pact now gives grateful gifts from all pact releases based on the highest level of their animal. Anima can now be routed daily to all unlocked places (previously one day). Redeemed Souls All players now see the weekly quest return of the lost souls in the version with 20 redeemed souls, regardless of their glory. A repeatable quest was added to bring 20 additional redeemed souls. This should help players to advance their pacts faster. Saving souls in Torghast, the tower of the damn, now counts for return of the lost souls . Kyrians: Path of climb It costs nothing more to start the path of ascent. Medallions of the service are now used only for the craft on the path of the ascent. A fundamental strengthening effect of 20%, progressive power was activated for all soul band on the path of the ascent. This enchanting effect is enabled by default, but can be switched off via the coal pan of the progressive power in the arena. The buoyancy rate for all craft materials for the path of the ascent has been increased by 10%. Soul mirror shards can now be caught by slapped Kyrians in the Schlund. Nachtfae: The Conservatory of Queen All seeds are now stackable up to 200 times (before 20 times). All places where there was previously unusual seeds now grant rare seeds. Venthyr: Gluthof Players can now use their influence with guests to help their friends or minor characters. As soon as you have completed the quest best friend for a guest, this guest grants to all players who come to visit is a quest in the Gluthofszenzenzenzen. This friend of a friend quests switch a permanent increase of 30% of friendship with this guest free. So load one or two players in the Gluthof and introduces them people to find friends faster. Senior characters in your account can also access these quests in your own glutshof scenario. Rumors spread quickly at the yard! Temel is now selling a new gunstebiel: the festive hat of the Festherolds. This account-bound object can be sent adverse characters and permanently increases the call gains on the Gluthof by 30% for each character that uses it. With this item, Temel also receives a new, fantastic hat. You can ask him in the scenario to set up the hat. You now have to confirm if you waited for a scenario and has not accepted your invitation to your invitation (and therefore will not be there if you start the scenario).

Dungeons and battles

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Island expeditions and war fronts

You can now go to a normal, heroic or mythical island expedition with a group of up to three players. Speak with Captain Rez okun in Dazar Alor (Horde) or Finn Schönwind in Boralus (Alliance) to compete alone! The number of players for normal war fronts in the battle for electricity guard and the battle around the dark coast was reduced to 5 (before 15).

Objects and rewards

Players must finish the success storm on the tomb only on a character per account to begin the class quests for ribs in legion on the devastated coast. However, each character still needs to complete the religious campaign and quests and recruit the last champion for the religious hall. Provides your complete transmogrification set in chat or online by simply linking it out of the fitting. Players can go with the mouse over the items to see how they can be obtained, whether they are already in their possessions or whether the template is available for the viewing character. The transmogrilification templates of cosmetic items are now learned when the object is used. Erbstückspäherkarten, with which all areas are immediately explored and the ambitious characters provide all useful flight routes, are now available for all extensions (previously only for Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms). Splitter of the rule are now dropped more often. The amount of soul gut that is granted on the levels 8-12, at attacks on the clip, in the event torghast event and in command table missions, was significantly increased. Herzogin Mynx in Korthia now sells versions of the Corthean equipment that create a equipment for certain places. Acquisite ta gosh in the hall of Oribos s curios now sells a goal control splitter with which you can activate the next demonic gate. Comment The developer: Demonic gates are sometimes high in the slaughter case of a boss encounter and other high pressure situations. To counteract potential frustration, if you do not manage to use the gate in time, we created the goal control splitter, with which you can alternatively click or enable macros demonic gates . Au dara The mediator for heirlooms next to the air champion in Oribos sells the following account-bound objects: Armor protection for eternal heirlooms and weapons sheath for eternal heirlooms - a new rank for heirlooms has been added and all heirlooms are now useful in Shadowlands . Meanwhile, the award characters that achieve glory 80 can buy this item for a bustle character to bring it to glory 40 immediately. About glore 40, the object can not be used. Independant of the traveler - Anima can be brought into new packages or sent to minor characters. Chest with brave equipment - contains 1 piece of equipment on item level 210, mythical 0. The chest can only be purchased with a character point with a character that has a rating for mythical + of at least 1,500. Chest with unleashed equipment - contains 1 piece of equipment made of unofficated PVP on Item Level 220. The chest can only be purchased with conquest points from a character that has a rating of at least 1,600 in any PVP area. Time-bound nuplex - sets the step of an adventurer to 30. Requires an adventure to at least level 40. Can not be used for level 30 or higher adventures. 6 new pairs of cosmetic boots are available in the world event of the Great Stylecheck. These new boots offer a unique look for peoples, which normally do not wear shoes, and can be bought with brands of the large Stylecheck.

Korthia and the Schlund

Players can unlock additional fast travel options of Ve naris for damnation fortress and Desmototaeron within the Schlund. The conclusion of Quests for Archivary Roh-Suir provides access to an anima leaf in Korthia, via the Anima can be delivered directly. Call at the Archivar Code The Investigation Reports (Item Recordings) and Treaties (Bonus Sheets in 9.0 content) can now be purchased for the entire account if a character has reached the required call level on the Account. Call Level 6 Player 6 can now buy the object Examination Report: Relic Investigation Techniques , a new account-bound object that you can send to a minor character to increase the call by relics and relic fragments by 50%. The Quest Relicting Efficiency on call level 4 now also increases the average amount of relics that appears as a bonus boot from rare opponents and treasures, as well as many relics in daily quests or in weekly rewarding chests appear. This happens in addition to the current reward with a 20% chance to obtain twice the amount of normal relic fragments of rare opponents and treasures. Two new quests have been added: Relics on the track on call level 3, where the bonus starts with an initial opportunity of 10% on double relic fragments, and reliktjäger on call level 5, in which the chance of double relics finally is increased to 40%. Both quests also increase the average amount of relics that appear as bonus boot, in daily quests or in weekly rewards. Rare opponents in Korthia can now also drop relics with repeated kills (before there was a daily barrier for the chance of relics). More opponents with relics can be found in Korthia with the general crystal. An aligned gromit now finds more relic guide. cracks from Korthia A new weekly quest Lost Research is available for characters on call level 4 with the archive arcode or for busts with a character for call level 4 in the account. This new quest performs players in the crack of Korthia and rewards them with a large amount of reputation at the archive arcode and cataloged research. Opponents in cracks of Korthia now let stolen relic fragments fall, with a chance of relics.

Pet vapors

Immaculate and family-specific combat exercises now offer a flat rate of 2,000 experience (previously the amount required for a level). Devil s Touched fighting stones now offer a flat rate of 10,000 experience (previously the amount required for five stages). Ultimate fighting premises cost now 35 polished pet luck charges (previously 60). The fight against wild animals with a team of pets on a comparable level now offers twice the experience. Pets in your team qualify for this bonus if no pet in your team is more than two steps over an animal in the wildlife. The punishment penalty for a dying pet was reduced to 50% (previously 100%). Pets still need to be active at least one round to win experience in a fight. The entire pet experience, which is deserved in struggles, is increased by 50%. To compensate for this, the enhancement effect for the bonus event: pet vapors sign of paw was reduced to 100% (previously 200%). In total, the pet experience won in the BonusEvent: pet vapors remains unchanged compared to the current values.


Low item PVP equipment is now scaling in PVP situations to a higher item level. That should weaken the power gap, so that new characters get the feeling of keeping on slaughter fields and in arenas. This adaptation has no influence on PVP equipment of higher object levels. Additional PvP ranks and subject levels ranks have been added to players who ranks rise, a more detailed way to offer.

New rating / ranks the evaluated PvP / item level / GSST in PvP

\ - / Rank 1 Unranked / 220/233 1000 / rank two fighters I / 226/239 1200/3 Rank fighter II / 229/242 1400 / Rank 4 challenger I / 233/246 1,600 / Rank 5 challenger II / 236/249 1800 / Rank 6 rival I / 239/252 1,950 / Rank 7 rival II / 242/255 2,100 / Rank 8 Duellant / 246/259 2,400 / Rank 9 Elite / 249/259

Unvalued PvP steps / item level / GSST in PvP

Dealer / 177/213 Step 1/184/216 Step 2/190/220 Step 3 (fame 44) / 197/223 Step 4/203/226 Step 5 (fame 59) / 210/229 Step 6/216/233

The honor cost of upgrading ungewerteter equipment were reduced by approximately 25%. The conquest points cost of the appreciation of gewerteter equipment has been adapted so that they apply to all new ranks. PACTS The Nekrolordfähigkeit meat forming granted in PvP now an absorb shield equal to 30% of maximum health (previously 40%). When a fight starts on the battlefield or in the arena, any absorption value of meat forming which 30% of maximum health will exceed, reduced to 30% of the maximum health. DRUIDE The bonus of Nekrolordfähigkeit Adaptive Swarm on its healing effects was reduced in PVP at 20% (previously 25%). WILD BEAUTY The PvP talent strength of the Wild now (previously 100%) increases the critical strike chance of direct healing Regrowth with allies to% 30. GUARDIAN The radius of the PvP Talents Hain protection has been significantly increased. RESTORATION The PvP talent Keeper of the Grove now protect the druid from any harm while Tranquility is channeled (previously was Tranquility not interrupted). MAGICIAN The shields of the legendary effect Three unifier Ward have now PvP an effectiveness of 35% (previously 50%). MONK WIND RUNNER The release of the Talents Chi-Ji s Dance ensures caused 150% damage that your next Swirling Crane Kick in PvP (previously 200%). PRIEST HOLY The healing of healing is in PvP increased by 35% now (previously 20%). The healing of Flash Heal is in PvP increased by 30% now (previously 15%). The healing of Renew is in PvP increased by 15% now. SHAMAN Unleash the slogan The Erdschildeffekt the PvP talent makes goals now for 4 sec. Fixed (previously 3 sec.) And the Lightning Shield effect raises opponents now 33% further. SORCERER DISABILITY The PvP talent death Lightning will now cause 50% of the remaining periodic effect (previously 40%) and can not achieve critically strike. In addition, their spell reaches the target faster now. The duration of the PVP talent Fast infection is now 20 sec. (Before 15 sec.). The talent Dark Soul: misery can no longer be dispelled. DESTRUCTION The PvP talent devil shackles has been slightly revised: The target is no longer held and the damage is no longer divided on companion and guardian. The talent Dark Soul: instability can no longer be dispelled. WARRIOR The bonus damage on critical hits with the legendary Kyrianereffekt Elysian power has been reduced in PvP 15% (previously 25%).


The yield of ores in all zones, including Elethiumerz, was increased by 20%. The loot rate of Hornbalg and Heavy Hornbalg was increased by 20%. The loot rate of jewelery essences increased by 10%. The loot rate of light Loser silk was increased by 20%.


In addition to characters on an account, the introductory quest line in Shadowlands , which takes place in the throat, now skip by speaking with Inquisitor Whitemane or Nazgrim after the quest Shadowlands: An icy summons have accepted. Please note: To skip, you have a character at level 60 have logged who has completed the pharyngeal introduction. For those who have already begun the preliminary quest line in Shadowlands : Jaina Proudmoore in the cave in the dreary rest allowed you to skip the rest of the introduction, if you have completed the quest Escape from Darkness and before her cave leaves.


The runes Metz offers you now to destroy an existing legendary object to the entire soul ash or Seelenglut that were needed for its production to recover. The loot rates of legendary effects in dungeons have been set for all levels to 100%.


Valley Inara now offers a daily quest for Torghast, Tower of the Damned, for experience and soul ashes. Valley Inara now offers a daily quest for PvP battlefields of experience and equipment. The bonus objectives of the threads of fate are now significantly shorter and reward you with fame. The field goals of the threads of fate now reward you with equipment at higher levels and subject Anima.

Torghast, tower of the damn The repeated conclusion of corridors now grants the full amount of soul ash (previously 20% after the first degree). The repeated conclusion of corridors now grants the full amount of soul gut (previously no soul gut after the first degree). User interface and accessibility

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(Buy Now 14,99 €) WOW Companion App Missions from Warlords of Draenor are now available for players who have unlocked the garrison and the command table in Warlords of Draenor. Players can watch, equip their trailers in the app and send them to command table missions. The links marked are affiliate links. Affiliate links are no ads, as we are independent in the search and selection of the presented products. For product sales we receive a small commission, with which we partially finance the free content of the website.


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