Japanese full voices! Tsundere ADV Tsundere junior who met in the health room will not be my girl STEAM store page released
The Fairey Swordfish (swordfish) was a torpedo biplane built by Fairey Aviation and used by the British Navy aerial weapon during World War II. Although apparently obsolete, he pushed more enemy tonnage than any other ally torpedo. [1]
MK-II has published the STEAM store page of Tsundere Love ADV Tsundere junior who met in the health room is not a girlfriend . This work is an adventure game that interacts with Tsunderechroin. During the soccer tournament game, the protagonist, who has sprained her ankles, is a high school student who has a high school student who headed her regret with a single swttle girl in a health room headed for his chest. The heroine s serif is all Japanese full voices. When I deepen my relationship with such a heroine, my loving degree to her hero gradually changes. New stories and scenes will be released each time you reach a certain affection. Does the main character can play her heroine her ...? The Tsundere junior who met in the health room will be my girlfriend, is scheduled to be delivered in March 2022 for PC (STeam).
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